South Carolina
Huntington's Disease Resources
SC Support Groups by Location
Statewide Caregiver Support Group (Zoom)
This online support group is open to caregivers of individuals living with HD. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for individuals to share their experiences, resources and advice. Center of Excellence Support Groups typically operate on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:00pm-7:00pm.
March 17 Genetics and Genetic Testing
April 21 Physical Exercise
May 2 Caregiver Stress and Burnout
June 16 Behavior in Persons Living with HD
July 21 Dental Care
September 22 Medicare Insurance
October 20 Intimacy and Connection
November 17 You choose the topic
December 15 You choose the topic
To join the online caregiver support meeting by Internet, please type the following address into your web browser (you must be connected to the internet for this option)
Support Group led by: Melissa Reitmeier, PhD, LMSW (Melissa. ) and Ruth Abramson, PhD (
Statewide and Columbia InPerson Support Group (Zoom)
This support group is open to all individuals with HD and their families living in the community. Our goal is to educate and support the HD community by providing the opportunity for individuals to share their experiences, resources and advice.
Saturday 10:30am-11:30am
2020 Meetings:
February 8
March 7
April 4
May 2
June 6 (TBD-At National Conference in New Orleans)
July 11
September 12
October 3
November 7
December 5 (Education Day)
Location: Prisma MedPark 2
To join the support meeting by Internet, please type the following address into your web browser (you must be connected to the internet for this option)
Support Group led by: Melissa Reitmeier, PhD, LMSW (Melissa. ) and Ruth Abramson, PhD (
Charleston InPerson Support Group
This support group is open to all individuals with HD and their families living in the community. Our goal is to educate and support the HD community by providing the opportunity for individuals to share their experiences, resources and advice.
Next Meeting:
Support Group led by: Joyce Sireno